The Cookbook We Always Needed: Everything Brad Pitt Has Ever Eaten On Camera

“Fat Brad” is the cookbook every Brad Pitt fan needs in their life. I mean, watching Brad eat is delicious enough, but now you can make what he is eating!

Check out “Fat Brad”

According to the cookbook’s publishers, Long Prawn:

Fat Brad, The Cookbook is a definitive exploration into the on-screen eating habits of William Bradley “Brad” Pitt. Part fan fantasy, part filmic study, Fat Brad meticulously reimagines the best scenes where Brad chomps. From Rusty’s carpark burger in Ocean’s 11 to Tyler’s questionable Seafood Bisque in Fight Club, no plate is left unturned.

The recipes in the book were created by chefs Ali Currey-Voumard and Mietta Coventry. And some of our favorites include the lobster bisque Tyler Durden makes in Fight Club (I mean… without some of the movie’s extra ingredients) and a lovely roast featured in Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

But if you are fanatical about Brad Pitt and what he eats, you may have to wait for them to decide to do a second edition because not everything he’s ever eaten has been included because… well… Mr. Pitt eats a lot.

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